4 keys for the success in product manufacturing

It is difficult to make a quick summary of the possible errors during a manufacturing process due to its complexity, but I think we can summarise in four points a basic vision that allows us to understand how, at Lúcid, we work to accompany our clients in the most important phase of the product.

Obviously, there are many points to take into account during a manufacturing process: the customer, the type of product, the design, the engineering, materials, budgets, target costs, project scope, timings, benchmarking, roles, etc.

I want to approach this analysis from a general point of view. Without going into details, highlighting 4 key points that will allow us to lead a successful manufacturing process:

1. Plan to replan

Knowing how to plan a manufacturing project is essential. It is not enough to set up a Gantt chart and think you have a perfect project roll down. Thanks to a good planning we can guarantee that an optimal use of resources is achieved. From knowing how to analyse the type of product and what needs it requires to its resources, difficulty, times, development, etc.

While planning is the best way to minimise unforeseen events, be aware that they can arise, and that the best way to react to them is with a team prepared to replan again.

At Lúcid we have a professional team dedicated to research, user analysis and benchmarking which, among many other things, help us to understand and anticipate future product needs and, therefore, help us to plan the manufacture of each product with a deeper vision.

2. Control, decontrol and objectives

Just as important as planning is the control of the whole process.

The main objective is to be able to check that everything planned is being executed correctly or to detect deviations, and to be able to apply corrective measures in order to replan again.

  • Do I need more time in a process?
  • Lack of resources?
  • Will more or different materials than estimated be needed? Etc.

If we cannot guarantee a smooth flow of all processes, we cannot guarantee objective costs and savings, which leads to waste, unnecessary cost overruns and products shipped off schedule.

This is possible thanks to the proximity and on-site control at key moments and processes and, at Lúcid, we do this thanks to the headquarters we have in Spain, Central Europe and China that allow us to closely monitor the entire process with tools such as factory audit, quality control check...

Presence in invoicing processes allows us to control any of the manufacturing phases (partners, offers, purchase and dispatch of samples, factory audits, R&D, product specialisation, supply chain, distribution, etc.).

3. Methodology and design for a successful outcome

A good way to anticipate certain problems is to have a vision and strategy phase in advance to allow for optimal product development.

The fact is that all manufacturing projects are conditioned by the pre-design phase in which users are researched and analysed in order to create a design that meets their needs.

Successful start-up of a manufacturing project requires prior support in the design phase.

At Lúcid we always work under a methodology that allows us to advance in the design process in a safe way in order to complete the manufacturing process with guarantees of success.

4. Team coordination

Within all these points mentioned above, I would like to highlight a point that is often not taken into account and I think it is usually the most forgotten. The people.

We can plan, control, have methodologies in place, etc... but it is the people who are at the heart of each of the different processes from start to finish.

From understanding the client who asks for a product to the people who make up the different work teams. Transparency, honesty, good communication, empathy, knowing how to listen, value, analyse and transform possible proposals.

We believe that it is necessary to involve our customers at every stage and, therefore, we like to share with them, to make them feel involved, informed, that they experience their own product and understand all the complexities.

At the same time, the existence of a phased working method implies the interaction and involvement of different internal and external stakeholders, each with their own role.

In conclusion, the manufacturing process requires dedication to ensure the correct development of the project. At Lúcid we have a manufacturing team capable of coordinating, controlling and executing all the manufacturing phases, with the aim of successfully completing the design process.

Do you need us to help you with the manufacture of your product? Contact us!

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